Friday, April 8, 2016

Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne Treatment

Apple cider vinegar is commonly found in most household kitchens. This variety of vinegar is commonly used as chutney, dressing for salads, vinaigrettes, marinades and as a food preservative.

Apple cider vinegar is produced by grinding the apples and extracting the juice. Then, yeast is mixed with the juice to begin the process of alcoholic fermentation. This leads to the conversion of sugars in the juice into alcohol. During the next stage or second fermentation, acetic acid bacteria are added which converts the alcohol into vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is very nutritious and has many health benefits, the most common of which is curing acne.

Acne is often the result of an imbalance in the body’s chemistry. This may be due to a chemical imbalance or a distortion of the pH levels of the skin and blood. Oily skin contributes directly by clogging the pores which then erupt as painful acne.

Apple cider vinegar acts as an astringent and has many anti-inflammatory properties. It also contributes to maintaining the pH balance in the body. Apple cider vinegar is also rich in minerals, ketones, carbolic acid, enzymes, anti-oxidants, fibre, amino acids and acetic acid. These natural chemicals play a significant role in preventing acne

To use apple cider vinegar to treat acne, you can mix it with water in equal quantity and apply on the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your face. Dab you face dry gently. Repeat the procedure every day until your face is acne free.

It is important not to overdo this as the astringent properties can dry the skin if left on too long or too frequently. This will prompt the skin to produce more sebum, the oil secreted by the skin. This can clog the pores and intensify the acne instead of reducing it.

Apple cider vinegar can be used to for a number of other health benefits that include weight loss and haircare. It is also helpful to get rid of sore throats and blocked noses. It soothes sunburn and whitens teeth. This miracle liquid can also be used to clean your house and polish furniture.

5-HTP Benefits: Advantages and How It Works

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that occurs naturally as well as a synthetic chemical. It is a metabolic intermediary chemical formed during the body’s production of the neurotransmitters melatonin, tryptophan and serotonin. It is also called oxitriptan (INN). 5-HTP is extracted from the seed of the Griffoniaplant. Griffonia grows indigenously in West and Central Africa.

5-HTP is vital for the brain as it helps boost the production of serotonin. Serotonin helps in reducing anxiety. Hence, 5-HTP plays a significant role in treating anxiety and depression. Also, there are many other benefits of 5-HTP:

·          Sleep Disorders: Insomnia due to ageing is linked to significant psychological and social disorders. Also, sleep disorders can cause memory loss, fatigue, mood swings and weaken the immune system. 5-HTP, valerian root, melatonin and choline health supplements help in reversing the damages caused by sleep deprivation. These health supplements also aid in sleeping soundly.
·          Weight Loss: According to many reports, hereditary deficiency of serotonin can lead to obesity. 5-HTP is known for releasing serotonin in the brain and is also known to satiate carbohydrate cravings naturally. Thus, 5-HTP helps in controlling excess food intake and losing weight.
·          Headaches and Migraines: Persistently low level of serotonin in the brain can cause frequent headaches and migraines of varying intensity. Serotonin can prevent such headaches. 5-HTP supplements can also be administered to children if they suffer from headaches or migraines.
·          Enhance Mood and Energy – 5-HTP in combination with DHEA and phenylalanine can uplift your spirits and make you happy. 5-HTP can solve the problem of serotonin deficiency. Apart from 5-HTP, DHEA also helps in reducing depression. Phenylalanine is the nutritious precursor to noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter similar to adrenaline. Noradrenaline is essential for maintaining focus, alertness, memory and mental energy. Lack of noradrenaline can result in draining of energy and short attention spans.

5-HTP supplements can also help in solving the problems associated with fibromyalgia, neurological disorders, panic disorders and Cerebellar Ataxia. However, in the case of these health disorders, it is best to consult a medical practitioner before taking 5-HTP supplements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Herbal Supplements in Canada

Herbal supplements are developed using plant extracts that are grown organically. Some herbal supplements are alternative medicines and do not contain synthetic chemicals.

In Canada, 71 percent of the population have used alternative medicines at least once in their lifetime. About 38 percent of the population consume herbal supplements daily. The Canadian consumer is very particular about the quality and standards of the supplements. All dietary supplements have to be licensed by Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) before being introduced into the market. Due to tight regulations, only the best herbal supplements can enter the Canadian markets.

Despite of many advantages of the herbal supplements, these products can have disadvantages if used incorrectly. Here is a look at some of them:

  • Boosts Metabolism: After every meal, our body begins the process of digestion and breakdowns all the complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the food. These nutrients are then absorbed by the body. The process of absorption of nutrients is influenced by vitamins. B class vitamins supplements help in better absorption of nutrients as well as prevents ailments of skin, bones and blood due to deficiencies
  • Tissue Repair and Preservation – Regular herbal supplements enhance the processes of preservation and self-repair of body tissues. Due to our daily routine that is often busy and hectic, we forget to take good care of our health and affect the process of tissue repair and preservation. Consuming calcium and vitamin D helps in promoting cell and tissue repair, improving bone health as well as preventing osteoporosis.

  • Side effects: Many herbal supplements have side effects. For instance, vitamin A supplements in excess may lead to liver damage, calcium deficiency and birth defects. Incorrect consumption of mineral supplements can lead to vomiting, weight loss, nerve damage, muscle wear-out and many other conditions
  • Wrong Doses: Taking an overdose of supplements can be harmful or even deadly. Mixing two or more supplements with other medicines can hamper the process of absorption of the medication or have unwanted side effects

Disadvantages of herbal supplements can be avoided entirely. Consult a medical practitioner, dietician or a professional expert in herbal supplements. They examine your health and suggest appropriate.